Sunday, June 9, 2019

Out One Year -- Week 53

This week has been super good. Definitely seen so many different miracles.

I was able to go on exchanges and when we ate lunch we saw this girl. I felt like we should talk to her...I pushed off the prompting for a little (I know I've already repented) but God gave us another chance. Anyways I just told her I liked her shirt, and then she didn't even speak Cantonese only mandarin hahah. But she could speak in broken English and it was super cool. She's been looking for a Christian church and all she had was an email, but it was really cool. If you open your mouth God will fill it and provide a way.

Also this week we were out on the street finding, and I was talking to this old lady. I was talking and then her dog came and peed on my foot. So gross. But oh well she saw the tag and could feel the spirit hahah.

Oh and we were at the pier the other day and I asked these people if they wanted me to help them take a picture. They said yeah and so I did. Then as I was doing it my phone dropped and shattered my screen RIP. Oh well got to help some people take a dope pic.

I can't believe I've been out a year. I've learned and grown so much. I just want to thank you all for your support because I couldn't do it without you. Seriously so many of you have impacted my life and I am so thankful for your example. Love you all. 

Sister Clegg

(Pics:  Cheesecake Factory on Pday for our year celebration)

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