Sunday, May 26, 2019

Falling Down Stairs -- Week 51

Well, this week has been good first off we were able to hear and meet President Ballard! It was super good. Something that he said that was super cool was when things are hard, or you have a rough day take a second and think about Gethsemane. Think about the Savior on his knees. I really liked that.

Okay back story. Like the first week I was with sister Sorensen she asked me why we walk so fast. Anyway earlier this week we were walking and eating our yummy bread....I was eating it not paying attention and all of a sudden I was falling down stairs I might have accidentally said a not so good word. (Thanks Dad.) Anyway, my bread went flying...which was the saddest part. I couldn't walk for 3 min. But after was fine. Then my companion decided she was smart and said: "that's why we don't walk fast."

Also this week we were able to teach a lesson with the mission president wife. It was super cool. I love her. And then after President drove us to where we were going so we didn't have to take the bus. We got to ask him so many questions. It's always a good thing.

Oh we also did service this week and we were peeling vegetables...then they gave us celery to peel. I was so confused. Why would you peel celery? But as a missionary, you do what you are told. 

Well, hope you all have a good week. Thanks for all your prayers. They are so appreciated. Thanks again

Sister Ellie Clegg

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