Monday, April 29, 2019

Bananas--Week 47

Well this week has been good. Was able to go to MLC this week and the president told us that this unpeeled banana was sliced inside. Almost everyone believed him....because he's the president. He can't lie, right? Then there was a couple of us who said no way. Anyway, I was stubborn and eventually he had me peel the banana and sure enough, it was in chunks. I guess I need more faith lol.

Another thing that happened this week was a miracle. So I lost my wallet on Monday...again. I just prayed to be able to find it. I got everything taken care of again, and then late Tuesday night we got a call from the police and they said they had it. So went and got it. I know God listens to our prayers and will always help us. He is in the details of our lives. This is his living church.

Had a super cool experience. We were teaching the cutest girl the plan of salvation. She was just taking notes. She then asked me my conversion story and we just clicked. It's not like a huge event happened and I knew, more of it just makes sense. I've felt God's love and know it's here. I can't deny that.

Also this week some member asked if we could help her friend. Of course, because we are missionaries. She ended up doing my makeup lol. The adventures never end. 

Love you all. Thanks for all the support and prayers. Seriously. 

Sister Clegg

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can stay in Hong Kong after your mission and do beauty pageants.
