Monday, September 10, 2018

I Should Be Miss Universe -- Week 14

Well this week was super interesting. Every day we were so least that's what our plans told us. Then literally every day everything fell through hahah. But it's okay because God takes care of his missionaries. We met some of the coolest people and had some cool experiences. When it was day 3 of everything falling through we were walking back towards our apartment, and we met the coolest family. The mom reminded me of a Utah mom. We talked to them for like an hour just on the street. And then instead of asking for their number, they asked for ours! It was so cool. It was such a blessing to meet them.

Also this week we met with this man named M---. At first he seemed to have so much then we met again with him. This time he didn't listen. He just kept telling Sister Johnson and I we were so pretty. He told me I should do pageants and that

I should be Miss Universe. It was so funny....but we told the elders they might have more success with him. So hopefully he will come to english class and then they can meet him there.

At exercise one morning there was a centipede on the ground...I asked sister Johnson what she would give me if I ate it. She said she would buy me lunch. So I ate it. It was so funny. I got free lunch out of it.

Also this week we met with a less active. She thinks when people cough at her that they don't like her...So we can't cough or clear our throats otherwise she thinks we hate her. It is a very interesting dynamic. It made me realize more how real mental illness is. How hard it is, and made me so grateful for what the Lord has blessed me with. I know that everyone struggles with different things. But they are all for the benefit of us. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle.

I am so thankful to be here. Thank you all for your prayers. I hope you are all doing well.

Sister Clegg

sorry no time

1 comment:

  1. Why would you eat a centipede of the ground without washing it? haha
