Sunday, August 26, 2018

I ATE SQUID -- Week 12

Okay so this week has been so fast and so good. The only weird thing I ate was squid...but I guess that's probably not that weird. I've just never had it.

On Saturday I was on exchanges with Sister Law...That was a fun experience lol. We both just got here and our companions are STLs so they had to go on exchanges. But luckily we had the summer missionary with us so she could help finish all the conversations I couldn't hahah. We also taught a lesson to a recent convert about faith. I was thankful she was already baptized hahah. Oh also when I was trying to talk to some girl on the street, these random men came up and started talking to her too. I couldn't understand anything except that they told her our Church mind controls people, and not to listen to us. So that was a fun experience. She was still super nice and respected us. It was a really weird experience.

Also for language study we always start by reading the Book of Mormon to work on sounds and tones. It's so funny because I'm not great at them. my comp and our summer missionary always laugh when I try to say a word and say it wrong over and over. It's so funny. I'm glad we can all delight in my struggles.

Something so cool happened this week. We were ahead of schedule one day, and had like 15 minutes before our next thing we had to do, so we decided to go out finding. We walked towards the MTR, and stopped this man from russia. He was so cool, and we talked to him for a while (we had to run to the church to be on time for English class). But we scheduled him for Sunday. We were going to teach him cantonese. So Sunday came around and we gave him a chapel tour and when we got the the chapel he asked so many questions. So we did our best to answer, and then lead him to a class room. I looked at Sister Johnson and we both had the same idea. She said "we're teaching the restoration." So instead of teaching Cantonese we taught the restoration in English. It was so cool. He had so much Christian background. I feel like it's the perfect time in his life to learn about the Church, and it was just so cool. We scheduled him again for Thursday, and we will turn him over to the English Elders. 

Also we have an area where we can knock doors! So Monday night we went and knocked on doors. It was really weird and everyone just said they didn't need our message or want to get to know us lol. But it was a really cool experience, and we met the sweetest lady. We talked to her and taught a little about the Plan of Salvation. She was so cute. We tried to schedule her, but she says she's busy. We shall try again this week.

One time this week on the MTR I was sitting by this guy. I tried to start a conversation and tell him I liked his shirt. I couldn't get the tones right so he was so confused for like 2 minutes. It was so funny. I just kept trying and finally once I got it I had to get off. It was pretty funny. And I also tried to talk to this lady on the MTR. I told her I just came to Hong Kong, so she just started speaking english and talking about the weather. It was so funny. But the language is coming...slowly but it is coming. 

sorry my emails are always all over the place. I am so thankful for the opportunity I have to be here in Hong Kong serving the Lord. Each and everyday I see God's hand in my life. I know that he looks out for his missionaries. He loves them no matter where they are. 

Something I read and love this week was about our progress. How God knows the little steps we take each and everyday, and is thankful and proud of our successes. No matter how small they are, He is proud of you, and will recognize them. He loves each and every one of his children. 

Thank you for all of the prayers. I hope each and everyone of you is doing well. Hope you have a great week. 

Sister Clegg

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