Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Hiccups -- Week 8

My district in our matching shirts

This week I got the hiccups....Sister Blake then asked, "Do you want me to scare you?" I replied, "yes." She paused for a minute, and then says, "You're leaving to Hong Kong in a week, and you can't speak the language." It was so funny. And the hiccups went away.

In a week I will be on my way to a country I know little about. Know little of the language, and will be living in for the next 16 months. I am so excited, but also so scared. 

Last Monday we taught skype TRC. That is when you skype a member who speaks Cantonese. Anyway the person we skyped was driving...which was a little weird because you usually do face to face. Anyway we continued to try to teach, and then all of a sudden we heard "Let me Love You" by Justin Bieber playing. We were trying so hard not to laugh. She was not really listening to us...which is fine. But it was just so funny. After our teacher told us we should have just ended our lesson and said that she was busy, and we were wasting her time. It was really funny and a good experience.

 This week was good. There was something that someone talked about that I really love. It was about obedience. Here in the MTC you are told over and over that exact obedience brings miracles. And while I believe that, I know it's impossible to be exactly obedient all of the time. That none of us are perfect. This person talked about genuine obedience. He said, "Through genuine obedience you will be blessed, and be safe. You will be safer in your mission field than anyone else in any part of the world." I really liked that. That when you are genuinely obedient that you are blessed. You are safe. I also think it shows God that you care about the rules. You want to do your best, and you are trying to do your best. They almost make it sound like if you're not exactly obedient that you won't be blessed. Even though you will. That's why I like genuine obedience better. It shows that we aren't perfect. We all make mistakes, and as long as we are trying our hardest we will receive those blessings.

My favorite Mural of Moses & the Red Sea
One more thing that was said this week that I loved was about missionary work. Brother Eggat said his biggest concern with missionary work is that missionaries looked stressed and full of panic. He then said, we have no reason to feel this way. He explained because it's God's work. It's not yours. We are just tools in his hands. If we truly believe what we are teaching we should know or believe that God can make anything happen. That it is His work, and we are his mouth piece. He calls the unqualified and qualifies them. He knows our strengths and weaknesses, and he still wants us. Everyone of us to look for opportunities to share the gospel. Even if it's just through our example. To be worthy so the Light of Christ can shine through us. That others can see that light in us. This truly is God's work and not ours. So we should stress or feel panicked. As long as we are worthy, and working diligently God will make up for our short comings. 

Anyways love you all. Hope you are all doing well. Thanks for all the prayers. They are much appreciated. Hope you all have a great week. 

Sister Clegg
Sister Morgan's Birthday

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